The following shows aired in March 2011. Click on the show date in the left column to listen to that show. Files are in MP3 format.
3/5/11 Sarge Hack. David Hack served four years in the U.S. Coast Guard, and later enlisted in the Army with a request for Ranger School. Well, instead he was assigned as an instructor in Ranger School. Months went by without being allowed to actually go through Ranger training and Hack finally lost his patience; so he wrote to President Lyndon Baines Johnson.
Next stop ¨C Newfoundland.
Sarge Hack did end up in Vietnam and was awarded the not-so-coveted, but proudly worn Purple Heart. After a full year in Army hospitals where he was “wired together in pieces/parts,” Sarge Hack and his wife Lani founded and grew an astounding manufacturing business—IN THE USA—of the finest military gear available to civilians. Their customers are you, me, politicans and Hollywood, both movies and celebrities. In fact, one entertainer bought 400 US Wings leather flight jackets to give a gifts.
3/12/11 Bent Prop Project: P-MAN XIII. The Bent Prop Project is a group of volunteers who research, then search the waters and jungles of the western Pacific for American WWII aircraft crash sites, and the remains of men who gave their lives for our country. When successful they turn their findings over to JPAC: Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command, Department of Defense.

P-MAN: Palau—Marine, Army, Air Force, Navy XIII: this is the thirteenth expedition since they started numbering them in 1999. Join host Gary Lillie and guest Paul Schwimmer as Paul gives us a report on P-MAN XIII mission, as well as the upcoming P-MAXIV mission.
3/19/11 The Pacfic, Volume One—Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal. The Pacific, Volume One, Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal is the first of a ten part series, War Stories: World War II Firsthand. This incredible collection of stories and photographs is the only multi-volume history of the war to include hundreds of first person interviews and oral history recollections of the soldiers on the ground, the sailors on the high seas and the airmen in the sky.
Join author, Jay Wertz, and host Dale Throneberry and hear many of the amazing and heart wrenching stories Jay heard from survivors of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Bataan Death March and much more.
3/26/11 O Say Can You See…Dedication of the New Visitor and Education Center at Fort McHenry National Monument & Historic Shrine. During the War of 1812, Major George Armistead, Commanding Officer of Fort McHenry, knowing the city of Baltimore was going to be attacked by the British, desired ” to have a flag so large that the British will have no difficulty seeing it from a distance.” The 30′ by 42′ flag flown over Fort McHenry was seen by Francis Scott Key on the morning of September 14th, 1814 and the rest is history.
Join host Dale Throneberry and Park Ranger Jim Bailey to learn more about The War of 1812 and Fort McHenry, “The Birthplace of the National Anthem.” Francis Scott Key, a young poet-lawyer, witnessed the bmbardment of Fort McHenry while under British guard on an American ship in the Patapsco River. Seeing his country’s flag still flying over the Fort the next morning, he was moved to pen these immortal lines:
O say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O’re the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming!
And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof to through the night that our flag was still there:
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
O’re the land of the free and the home of the brave.