Parachute Team USA & Dr. Grant Military Analysis - October 2017

Hosted by Bob Gould

Round Canopy Parachute Team USA Readies for WWII Memorial in Normandy

USA Round Canopy Parachute TeamRound Canopy Parachuting Team-USA (RCPT-USA) performs World War II style parachuting activities as Commemorative Airborne Operations (CAO), and conducts memorial ground services to honor Allied Paratroopers and all Veterans who fought, and many died, to defeat despotism in Europe, and around the world. This we humbly do to reinforce world-wide memory of their priceless deeds of valor, and the selfless sacrifices so many made in those brutal battles to restore peace on Earth.

Dave Hamilton has been an Army Paratrooper since 1987. He is still in the Army and jumping 30 years later!

Round Canopy Parachuting Team -USA and I want to help you “Get your Knees Back in the Breeze”! to keep Airborne Veterans young at heart!

Learn more about this non-profit organization at

Dr. Rebecca Grant, Author, Consultant, Air Force Spokesperson

Dr. Rebecca GrantSHE’S BACK!

This week Veterans Radio’s Host Bob Gould, welcomes frequent program guest Dr. Rebecca Grant.

Military Historian/Author/Commentator and President of  IRIS Independent Research. She is also a regular guest on Fox Business with Charles Payne and occasional appearances on Fox ‘n Friends to inform citizens of  the facts related to global military status.

Dr. Grant answers all the questions of our host Bob Gould.

  • Learn about the United State’s TRIAD program of strategic deterrence, made up of Air Force, Army and Navy resources.
  • Hear about NorthCom, the United State’s ground-based homeland security. “If it flies, it dies”
  • China’s recent “take notice” statement to North Korea and how long will North Korea continue to flex its military might before realizing they must negotiate.
  • 28,000 Army and Air Force service men and women are in South Korea at the ready. “Ready to fight tonight.                                     

All Gave Some. Some Gave All.
Always Remember